We all have that fear or concern that someone could break into our house, but when it actually happens, it sends a shiver down our spine, knowing that someone has entered our sacred and private space and taken what we own.

Worse still, is when someone breaks into your home while you are in the house. That’s exactly what happened to Manchester United and French footballer Paul Pogba during a match at Old Trafford.

Clearly he wasn’t in the home, but intruders broke in while his children were tucked up in bed sleeping. Paul described the situation as “our family’s worst nightmare”.

Home burglaries for famous celebrities, including footballers is on the rise, with one intelligent expert claiming that "It's only a matter of time before someone gets killed," (Alex Bomberg of Intelligent Protection).

When security cameras and high garden walls are not enough to keep you safe from burglars

The first instinct for a celebrity who buys a new home is to ensure that the property has an alarm and CCTV system. If the property has high garden walls then that increases the feeling of security.

And while these security measures help, they have a single major flaw… they can be evaded or overcome by professional burglars who know that expensive goodies await them.

Even if an intruder is caught on camera, very little can be done if they are wearing a hoodie or a mask to cover their face. And burglar alarms aren’t always used when you are in your property.

These systems might be a deterrent for the amateur thief but to a professional, they offer very little deterrent and almost no protection if a homeowner or family member comes into contact with the intruder.

Paul Pogba isn’t well known for his tackling and when it comes to protecting your family, there’s a much bette solution than CCTV.

Enter the sword by your side

At K9 Protector we use the slogan “The sword by your side” which gives a great overview of how powerful our protection services are.

We provide Alsatian protection dogs that are highly trained to deter and protect homeowners and family members. They undertake a rigorous personal protection training by our highly qualified dog trainers.

With their great sense of smell and hearing, they are able to quickly identify when an intruder is present, and they are trained to react to the different situations they might encounter, whether that’s to deter, defend or, if necessary, attack.

Protection for your family

The best family protection dogs money can buy

Alsatian protection dogs are also highly loyal and understand who to protect, and who is in the wrong. Their temperament and intelligence makes them the best family protection dogs for you and your family.

Does your family need protection from burglars?

You might feel safe with the security system that your home has, but how safe are you really?

We have a range of trained protection dogs for sale that can provide you with the highest level of protection possible. To find out more about our Alsatian protection dogs, get in touch and we would be happy to discuss the next steps.

FAQs on protecting yourself from being burgled

Do Alsatian protection dogs replace CCTV?
No they don’t. While CCTV and alarm systems don’t offer any form of protection if you are confronted by an intruder while in your home, they can still act as a deterrent and can capture vital footage of how and when an intruder broke into your home.

There are many ways to project your home ,and many of these compliment our trained protection dogs for sale.

What’s the difference between a deterrent and protection?

Deterrent is about putting off someone from breaking in. If a burglar sees an Alsatian protection dog or a CCTV camera then he or she might be deterred from breaking in.

If, however, the criminal decides to break in and they come face to face with a family member, only a protection dog that has been through rigorous personal protection training is able to protect you from any advances or attacks by the intruder.